Monday, May 7, 2012

Sign off...

   Some of you might have noticed there hasn't been a post in a few days....I've come to realize that the blog is not getting many if any views and no responses to questions.  I love writing and if the need is there again someday then I will pick it back up.  May you all have a Wonderful Summer! -CiCi-

Monday, April 30, 2012

Are you REALLY okay...

    We are constantly bombarded with  magazine covers with skinny girls and television shows where everyone is a size 2....what I want to know is are you really okay with yourself?  If you could change 1 thing about yourself what would it be and why?
    I have very few women that are completely happy with themselves; me included.....what shape would the world be in mentally if we were all pleased with ourselves and had more self confidence - well....we wouldn't have as many therapists and the drug companies might go under......Fact:  8 out of 10 people have issues with anxiety and stress - I am one of these!!!  Ashamed; not at all; but I've learned to rely more on physical fitness as my means of replacing medication....and it's doing my heart good too! -CiCi-

What Do You Remember...

    I have currently been teaching the study by Jennifer Rothschild, "Me, Myself & Lies" and we are working on cleaning out our thought closets.  This past week there was an interesting part where we had to rate ourselves from 1 to 10 on what we remember......below are the questions:

1.  Rate your Memory - 1 being poor, 10 being excellent...
2.  When it comes to criticism or past failures, rate your ability to remember...
3.  When it comes to successes, compliments, or God's benefits, how good is your memory?...

    If you're like the majority of the class we had poor memory for #1 but we had almost 10's when it came to remembering our mistakes and failures.  WOW!!!  Why do we do this to ourselves?  We should really be more aware of the forgiveness of Christ and the Love that other's have given us.  Not dwell on the negatives and definitely not dwell on our past.  Leave it all behind and press on to what lies ahead.  Happy Monday -CiCi -

Friday, April 27, 2012

Yes You Are...

    Happy Friday and to all my Girls out there - in case you were wondering....

YES YOU ARE!!!  and don't let anyone lead you to believe otherwise!!!  We are all Beautiful inside and out - God doesn't make ugly and unworthy - He makes Beautiful Daughter's of the King!! -CiCi-

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Love is Sustained Action...

    We so often hear that love is a feeling....people fall out of love as easily as they fall in love.  Christ tells us love is a choice; we must choose to love other's; even when they fail us.  I am an avid reader and love Nicholas Sparks.  Below is a quote from his book "The Wedding".  It may not be spiritual; but it really hit me as important enough to share with you.
"But love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime.  Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day."

    When your children fail you, do you fall out of love with them?  No, as it should be with your spouse as well.  Friends will fail you, loved one's will fail you; but when you have Christ in your heart, He will show you what it means to love with a lifetime of true devotion!  Love on.....CiCi

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wacky Wednesday...

    Today is just a day to say we've made it once again half way through another week!!!  Yeah!!!  Have a Wonderful Wacky Wednesday and may you enjoy this beautiful weather and stop at some point today and thank God for the blessings you do have - you'd be surprised at how many more of those you have than you realize. -CiCi-

Monday, April 23, 2012

Test Time...

    Well it looks like the much anticipated STAAR tests are here this week and as with any test, kid's are dreading them.  There has been a lot of hype about this new test; some say it's hard and other's say there's really no way to tell yet since this is the first go round.  Either way, I don't like tests in the least.
    With most tests you can study ahead of time, prepare mentally and get a good nights rest ahead of time.  What about when God tests you?  Can you prepare?  I would say sometimes; yes.  Were we prepared for the tests that were brought to us in the last couple of years?  In some ways we were, in other's our true faith was put to the test.  In 2010 when my husband was laid off for a year; we weren't prepared for that; but we had been real good at budgeting our money; so we were able to live off a really tight budget.  As well as trust Christ to provide for us and bring the right job to Jason.
    In 2011 we were hit with one of our children being diagnosed with cancer.  Prepared?  Not for what lied ahead; but spiritually I was prepared.  I had been spending much personal time with Him and in His word - so my faith was strong and my courage in knowing and understanding that His will was in motion; no matter what the outcome!  This does not mean that I didn't need prayer for strength though; that was an everyday battle and sometimes still is.
    Just like school gives tests in order to see where children are academically; God gives us tests to see where we are spiritually.  So do you think you would pass or fail a test God hands you?  Believe me; no matter how much faith you think you have; all you need is the amount of a mustard seed for God to do mighty things. -CiCi-

Inward Renewal...

    As each day goes by our bodies are becoming older and older; but inwardly we can be renewing ourselves with Christ.  The more time we spend with Him and understanding His design for our lives; we are aging in wisdom, courage and faith!  It's a beautiful picture if you try to imagine it.
"Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all."
2 Corinthians 4:16-17 NIV

    As you know I work out quit a bit and truly believe in being fit and healthy. the end my body is still going to get old and my skin is still eventually going to wrinkle.  On this earth I can take care of myself to the best of my ability; but what my heart says about my Eternal place in this world far outweighs anything else!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 Commandments in Being Fit & Healthy...

    In the last couple of years I have changed my eating habits and really began focusing on my health and what it means to be fit.  Above is a good thing for you to have and put on your fridge or in your office as a reminder of some of the necessities to a better "Healthstyle".  If you are just starting out, begin with at least numbers 1, 3 & 4.  If you can make smaller portions and eat just that it's a great start.  If you still make normal portions; try and leave at least one bite to begin with; for say about a week and then up it to 2 bites and so on.
    What have you got to lose?  Some body fat!  Just because someone looks 'thin' does not mean the inside of their body is healthy.  When I began I was 140lbs. with 32% body fat!!!  That was very unhealthy fat around my heart.  Today I am keeping steady at 115 and 17% body fat.  Also remember that muscle replaces fat so you can't always watch your scale.  I have gained a lot of muscle because I do body building as part of my workouts; not just cardio.  You will actually burn more fat lifting weights and exchanging the fat for muscle than you will doing lots of cardio.  The cardio is good for your heart and endurance; so it's good to do both!
    If you would like more information regarding the right things you should and should not be eating feel free to contact me at or on FB @ Cindy Leach Cañas.
    Good luck with making the effort for a "Healthstyle" change, not a "Fad Diet". -CiCi-

Almost There...

  Well, it's almost the end to another week!!  YEAH!  I can't believe it's already mid April; can you?  As summer is approaching; what plans do you have to enjoy it?  I'm a planner and I've already been working on ways to keep the kid's entertained over the summer months.  I'm planning a trip to Brenham to visit the Blue Bell factory and of course a trip to the zoo and some fishing trips/picnics as well.  And let's not forget lots of trips to the beach and community pool!! 
    So, what ideas do you have for getting through this summer?  I can always use some more!! -CiCi-

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

To Fear the Lord...

    "You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name."
Exodus 20:17

    Do you know what it means to not misuse the Lord's name?  It is discussed in the bible to have a healthy fear of the Lord.  To fear the Lord means to revere Him and show deference and respect.  RESPECT!!  We should see that God's position is a high position.  His knowledge and truth is in higher regard than our own.
    Did you know that a Jew never uttered the name of God when reading Scripture aloud out of fear of the Lord?  That is some healthy respect right there.  Can you imagine if our children or even ourselves had that kind of respect for one another?  The world wouldn't be fighting for peace all the time that's for sure.
    This is where some interaction on your part comes in - what does a healthy fear of the Lord look like to you?  I look forward to seeing your posts! -CiCi-

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Unpleasant Mornings....

    Is this a Monday?  Today has already gone as if it's a Monday!  How a 6 yr. old girl could fuss so much over what she's going to wear is beyond me - there's not too many options for school these days with having to wear mainly solids; but she can sure put up a fight none the less.
    Then there's the dog.....the dog does not want to poop outside for some reason and I've had it.  We are in our new home and the children are just still not wanting to take the responsibility for her that they claimed they would.  They want to play with her and snuggle with her; but cleaning up after her and walking her is not on their list of "fun" things.
    As each day goes by things sometimes feel they get easier; but there's many times when they feel like they get harder.  With a husband that works out of town a majority of the time; being a single parent is really tough.  I'm the main one disciplining and so they hate me most of the time.  Everyday I'm told by at least one of the children that they hate me and that I'm mean.  I know their just kid's; but over time this too can wear you down.
    So, chin up and press on is what us mother's have to do. -CiCi-


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Worldly Fit vs. Spiritually Fit...

“You shall have no other God’s before me”

Exodus 20:3

Is there something you really, really enjoy doing?  Maybe scrap-booking or playing on-line games.  If any of these replace quality time with Christ then you have put Him second.  He says put no other God’s before Him!  I love to work out; had lately been in the gym for about two hours at least five days a week.  That’s great for my health; but not good for my relationship with Christ.  I had replaced my time with him with a desire to be “fit”.  Once we do this, many things in our life start to decline.  (I still feel the need to be fit and healthy; but I just needed to get my priorities in order).A favorite show that you might watch on Wednesday instead of taping it and going to church; or how about turning on your computer any chance you have spare time instead of picking up God’s word?
          We are all guilty of putting something else before God; but realizing it and making even small changes to put Him first in our day or on our priority list will do wonders for your intimacy with your Heavenly Father.
          So, tomorrow morning when you reach to turn on your computer as soon as you step out of bed, stop and sit for five minutes and thank God for the day ahead and the blessings he bestowed on you the day before.  You'll be amazed how much better your day can go when God is first on your list! -CiCi-

Monday, April 9, 2012

Grumble is Mumble...

“Who are we?  You are not grumbling against us, but against the LORD”

Exodus 16:8b

                 Have you ever found yourself complaining about the time of your bible study changing or possibly the location where it’s usually held?  What about when someone forgets the snacks or sits in “your” seat?  These seem to me to be luxuries we take for granted yet we must realize that we’re grumbling against God not just within ourselves.  He provided us these things but never said they were required for worship.  All that is required is an open heart and selflessness! 
                When Moses was in the desert he had to listen to so much grumbling because the Israelites weren’t happy with the provisions they were given; yet they weren’t willing to completely surrender to God’s calling.  They wanted more than they were willing to give.  When Christ gave up his life for us he did so without complaints or grumbling but with a complete servant’s attitude and this is our example.
                So next time a luxury turns into a source of complaint; especially in God’s house; remember just that; it’s a luxury; not a requirement in serving our King! -CiCi-

Wait on the Lord...

God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.  So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them.

 Exodus 2:24-25

Did you hear that?  God was concerned.  The Israelites were in captivity and slavery and they were crying out to God to rescue them.  They knew the covenant God had made and knew there would be a day of freedom; they just didn’t know when.  We learn many times in the bible that God’s timing is the most important thing.  He has a reason for answering prayer right away or for making us wait. 
            You might be waiting on God right now for an answer and feel like you must have an answer soon; but please be patient.  God is working out all the fine details and He is deeply concerned about our matters and desires and pain.  There was a time my husband and I were in a wilderness and we had to learn to just sit and wait for God.  My husband was laid off and I was working a part time job that didn't bring in much money.  With four children we just continued to pray our bills were met and food was on the table.  God was faithful to us and we did not worry.  Not for once did I think God was not listening to our plea for a job;  I had complete faith that He was concerned about us and that’s why He continued to meet our needs and sustain us day to day. 
          I don’t want to be a groaner for the Lord; but someone who cries out with Praise and Thanksgiving! -CiCi-

A Ray of Color...

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9:13

                Have you ever really stopped to marvel at a rainbow after the rains have come?  My children and I like to point out all the colors.  Of course I have had one of my little ones ask me if there is a pot of gold at the other end.  Oh, to share the story of the rainbow and to tell them how it is evidence of God’s promise to us!  The promise to never flood the earth again like he did in Genesis.  The famous story of Noah and the ark. 
                Can you believe that this is only one covenant God made with us?  There are over 200 in the bible!  The beauty of God’s power is amazing.  The beauty of the rainbow and to know what purpose it serves.  So next time it rains, search for God’s glory in the midst of the clouds. -CiCi-

Get Up & Get God...

If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?  But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.

Genesis 4:7
                Think back to high school; for some of you it might be more recent than others of us.  Were you accepted back then?  Were you someone who played by the rules or were you the rebel that was just trying to fit in with a specific crowd?  I really didn’t have a certain crowd I hung with.  I wasn’t popular and I surely didn’t think I was that pretty.  What I didn’t realize back then was that I was already accepted by God.  He wasn’t concerned with my popularity status; he just wanted me to have a personal relationship with him.  I was saved at an early age; but I was far from living a life that honored Christ.  So as anyone trying to fit in; I found ways that I thought were attracting the right people.  As my senior year rolled around and after graduation; sin was totally at my door – it didn’t even have to knock anymore.
                I had begun drinking before the legal age of 21 and when I did, I felt so in control and more accepted by the world around me.  I was getting the attention of boys and that made me feel pretty.  As a child of God I’m supposed to lean only on Him to satisfy my every desire and it’s only He that can make me feel complete.  You see girls; doing what is right is what makes us accepted in God’s kingdom; the only place we should want to be accepted.  It’s our eternal life with Christ that is important; not the things of this earth that are full of sin and heartache.  Our sin, if we let it, will master us and mine has for many years. 
                I’m not going to beat around the bush; get up, get God, and get your life on the right path for acceptance in the Kingdom of your heavenly father that loves and adores you just as you are! -CiCi-

Time For Change...

 Today is just a small post but a personal one.  Have you ever had to make changes that effect many but over the long run will benefit everyone?  Well, this week this is one of my challenges.  Since moving into our new home a couple of week's ago I have been driving the kid's to their old school's.  (This is my brood in the photo above) This was mainly because of Maddison's situation and her school knowing her cancer history.  Well - the decision has finally been made that the best thing would be to move them closer to home.  I drive about 100 miles a day just to take them back and forth to school!  By the end of the day I'm exhausted and in the mornings the twins are hard to get up and going.  This then puts strain on me and "mean mommy" comes forth.
    In the long run this decision will benefit all of us.  Along with this decision though; I'm sadden to say that I am giving up my volunteering position at the church since I am moving the kid's.  I need to be on this side of town if something happens and with the gas prices my beast is taking a couple hundred dollars a week to run!!
    So, change is in the air and I hope we transition smoothly from it and that in the end the kid's are happier as well!
    Happy Post Easter and may you all have a Beautiful Day! -CiCi-

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Just Breathe...

    Up before 6am, get twins ready for school, drive 25 miles to take them to school - drive 25 miles back home to pick up Maddison, head to The Medical Center for a couple appointments for her - one stop being on Fannin, the other stop being on Holcombe.  On this drive the car makes funny sounds and tells me to service my brakes - GREAT!  Get done, go pick up the twins from school and then drive about 35-40 miles to pick up Justin and then drive an hour to get back home; stopping for a brief bite to eat.  Kid's were so bad the grocery store was out and we headed home.
    Once home.......I cried some.  Overwhelmed didn't even begin to describe my day; most of my days.  I sit here now and am just reminding you to 'Just Breathe'.  When it gets to be too much; take a step back and breathe deeply.  Tomorrow is a new day with new challenges and sometimes I'm not ready to face them.  For the past year we've had nothing but challenges and I do wonder when some rest will come.  I guess God believes I can handle it and if I can't he wants to make sure I rely on Him. we come to the end of another week - sit back in your chair and take a HUGE breath!!!  See, wasn't that nice.....Happy Easter Everyone! - CiCi-

The Stand...

    This morning as I was putting on my 'stand up to cancer' shirt I thought about what many of us do to support different things.  We have decals on our cars of our favorite teams or different shirts we wear that portray different things we support.  As I thought more about this I realized I don't have ANY shirts that shout out my love for Christ.  Do you? 
    How is it we are loud and proud to show the world what university or professional team we love; but we don't represent Christ?  Are we ashamed?  Do we not want someone to know we're a Christian in case we're bad drivers and like to cut people off?  Or are we just the silent Christian - we worship on Sunday and proudly display our finest suit or dress and carry our bible; but then it's put away on a book shelf until the next week.
    I Love my Lord and am even disappointed in myself for realizing I have many things that show my support or awareness of cancer; but very little for my King!
     What do you stand for and does it show? -CiCi-

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

On Our Knees...

    In the most recent bible study I took it was based on prayer; "Oh God, please!" The heart cry of a burdened soul.  Throughout this study we looked at many lives that were changed by the power of prayer as well as why some prayers are answered and other's are not.  I won't go into depth; but the main outcome as we closed today that I want to share is our POSITION of prayer.
    We all go through out our day and say little prayers here and there; we might have our quiet time in the morning that has prayer in it; but where is your prayer?  Is it behind a desk over your bible?  Is it always sitting in your car and on the go?  How often is your prayers down on bended knee before the throne of God? 

    For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name.  I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being
Ephesians 3:14-16

Ladies - we should be down on our knees in total reverence and out of respect to the Ultimate King of Kings!!  They bow to the Queen of England as they bowed to King's everywhere back at some point.  How much more should we be bowing to the Highest King of all where when we bow with prayer; He listens?  He can actually move mountains; physically and within our hearts. 
    I am going to begin to change my prayer habits to make sure I am kneeling in Holy reverence to my mighty Father - King of the Heaven, King of my life and King of Kings!  Don't get me wrong; he listens to our heart cries no matter where we give them; but I think He would love to see us show him a little more respect than we give Him credit for.  Are you going to be one with me that shows Christ a little more reverence when we are asking things of Him?  Let's not just give him a to-do list; let's give Him our hearts and cries with a deep commitment of faith that He deserves!-CiCi-


    How would you label defiance?  Websters defines it as "a daring or bold resistance to authority or an opposing force; open disregard.  Does this sound like anyone you know?  For me it sounds A LOT like my 6 year old twin boy.  He laughs at the face of my wrath.  Literally!  If I spank him because he's been defiant he just laughs most of the time.  He acts like it's a game and he continues in the same manner as to which he got in trouble for.  As a parent this is extremely frustrating and sometimes it's hurtful that he doesn't deem me serious enough.
    This is the same case with believers and Christ.  When we go against His teachings and His commands we too are being defiant.  We are basically telling Him we don't see Him as someone of authority; someone we are to take serious.  My friends; this is just so wrong!  As you'll find in many places in scripture; God did punish and did pass out consequences to those that disobeyed.  He "spanked" many.  As we do with our children; out of Love - so does Christ with us.  When we are disobedient there is punishment.  We can't expect to change our behaviour if we don't know it's wrong in the first place.  We correct our children as does Christ correct us.
    Do you think God gets frustrated with us at times?  I do.  I completely know He loves me and takes me with faults and all; but I do think that when I am continually disobedient he just wants to get his wooden spoon out and say "don't you get it yet?"  There is much humor to God and as he teaches us how to live, we in the same manner handle our children accordingly.  Next time your children disobey, ask yourself how many times in a day do we "not listen" to God's instruction as adults. - CiCi-

Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Boastful Heart...

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money."  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow.  What is your life?  You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."
James 4:13-15

    Do you know anyone like this?  You constantly hear them bragging about their accomplishments or maybe name dropping to look as if they are important.  Maybe they boast about their many possessions or throw money in front of you as to try and impress you.  I have met a few of these people in my day; and I honestly hope I have never been one of those!  I of course wouldn't be throwing money around because I've never had wealth by means of financial success but I do have wealth in the Heavenly sense.
    I recently encountered someone that spoke much of her self and her accomplishments but I wasn't impressed by it; it wasn't spoken out of humbleness; but out of "look at me."  She constantly brought the attention back to herself and it really made her "heart" seem shallow.  Don't get me wrong, achievements in this world are Great and I have a small few myself; but I consistently seek to be humble before God.  All my possessions are only here for a short time and just like Job you can lose everything in the blink of an eye.  What does your heart hold?  The world or Christ?  Short term or long term?
    I also know someone who has what I would consider a great deal of wealth.  They could pay cash for their home and have anything they want.  They were very wise about their finances BUT you never heard them say a bragging comment and are the most of humble people I know.  I love that!  They never flashed their success around and never talked about themselves that would have made you feel inferior to them.  They weren't storing up earthly treasures.  In both cases God is the ultimate person that allowed them to have their success yet they choose 2 completely different ways in which to express it.  I want to always be like the latter; I want my accomplishments to reflect Christ and His ultimate Glory!! -CiCi-

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions...

    I hate making decisions that will hurt some but be beneficial in the long run.  Mainly, when it comes to my children.  So we adopted a dog about a month ago and it still is having accidents in the house and digging in the trash and the cat's litter.  We move in to a new house this coming weekend and I just can't have this happening.  The kid's wanted the dog really bad but often complain about how often you have to take her out.  Only 1 child has fed her and that's been a handful at that.  And a bath?  Forget it; I had to do that as well.
    I told my husband today that he couldn't tell me "I told you so".  I can't do it all by myself and the dog was for the kid's.  The only thing they think is required though is to throw it a ball and play with it.  HA - wouldn't that be nice.  So, once again I'm going to be the bad guy because the dog has to go back.
    Lesson learned here - husbands are right more than we give them credit for.  My husband was nice enough to say yes and just let us deal with everything and not say anything.  Thank you Lord for the Best man you could have given this crazy family! -CiCi-

Failing as a Parent...

    Do you often question your parenting skills?  I've talked before about how we are given the Bible as our guidance on raising our children; but what happens when you've tried your best and something occurs that you could have never been prepared for?  That happened to me the other night.  It had me in tears for quit awhile and I was sick to my stomach.  I then began questioning my parenting and where all did I go wrong; this regarding my twins who are 6 years old.
    I started telling myself things like "I'm not spending enough time with them" and "maybe I should just unplug the television."  I told my husband I don't know how much longer I can be both parents (he works out of town).  I started thinking of how I need to maybe re-arrange some priorities and then this might not have happened.  I know children get curious; but I still feel I have failed somewhere.
   I got on my knees in tears just seeking for the answer.  Maybe there isn't one.  God is our center; but maybe not enough.  All those 'should have's and shouldn't have's' played in my mind over and over again.  How about you?  Do you ever feel this way?  Let's not let Satan get the best of us - we can only trust that God will get us through it. -CiCi-


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Something to be Thankful for...

    As I read this saying, sometimes it's hard to believe it; but it is true.  Yesterday was just cRaZy for me!  The weather was horrible as you know already....I went to our new house to deliver another load of stuff and do some more cleaning and discovered our first leak.  I took the dog with me so she wouldn't be alone and she managed to mark her territory in the kitchen.
    Let's see, next I had to put the trash cans out in the rain - I backed into the garage, because of the rain, to unload stuff and hit a box; therefore knocking of a piece of molding that WAS on my car.  THEN I managed to spill my milk shake all over myself in the car.  YEP - it was that kind of day!!
    As I look back though, I must be thankful for the new house God has provided us with; thankful I have a car to get me from place to place and of course money to buy that milkshake that I got to drink only about 1/2 of.  So, no matter how bad it gets; you CAN find SOMETHING to be thankful for!  I sure hope you're having a better week than me - it can only get better right? -CiCi

Just Another Manic...Tuesday

   Yep - that's right; it's not Monday anymore; but lately every day seems manic to me.  We're in the process of moving which is manic in itself.  Packing, changing utilities and trying to keep up with 2 locations right now is enough to drive anyone into a frenzy.  On top of that there's every day life that occurs with children and the pets. 
    Yesterday we spent all day at MD Anderson with my oldest for her 3 month scans; which still show she's clear of cancer - PRAISE!  So today almost feels like my Monday.  The start of the week where I've got things to move to the new house and continued chaos with the kid's.  As we are just returning from Spring Break as well, the children do not want to get up; of course neither do I.
    As I go through this upcoming crazy week ahead; which calls for us to get fully moved into the new house - I will remind myself to be Thankful for the many blessings God has given us.  Everything we have is a gift from Him and I want to make sure I cherish every crazy moment of every day; which is not always the easiest thing to do.  I pray for each and every one of you reading my blog; that you would have a crazy week ahead as well - WHY?  Because then we know we're alive and we can have peace in the fact that Christ is walking with us in each crazy step! -CiCi-

Monday, March 19, 2012

A Prayer for Today...

    Well today is another day we anticipate; it's scan day for Maddison.  We have a full day a MD Anderson with blood work, hearing tests and her CT scan.  Every three months this comes around.  As a Christian I have faith God is in control; as a mother, of course I have some worry.  Today I will just share my prayer with you:

Father, I come to you today and just ask that you give us strength as we head out to an all day affair at the hospital.  I pray that you continue to give me peace as a mother to know my baby is in good hands; Your hands!  I pray you give Maddi peace; as she always wonders if the cancer will return.  We would be no where without you Father and we would have not made it this far without your peace and strength guiding us.  I can only ask that things go smoothly and timely today and that we just give thanks to you no matter what the outcome is.  I ask this in Your Almighty name, Amen

So from those of you reading this - we would also just ask you to say a little prayer today that things are still clear.  Thank you for following us in our journey called 'Life' -CiCi

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Cleaning...

    Well it's about time for summer and the Spring fever is sinking in for many.  You begin cleaning out closets and drawers and the garage and attics.  You clean the house from top to bottom with things like the window's and base boards.  And oh doesn't everything just feel nice when you're done?
    Well how about doing a 'Spiritual Spring Cleaning?'  Have you done that before?  Look around at the things you could clean up or clean out that effect your spiritual life.  Maybe tv shows you watch or certain movies you allow in your home.  How about the type of music you listen to or books you read.  Maybe there's an activity you do that is probably not something God would like or maybe it's just getting your priorities in a different order.
    How about for the next couple of weeks you start making a list of what you could clean out in your spiritiual life and start April off with a Bang!  If you need to start small; that's no problem.  You'll be amazed how clean you will feel; not only your house! -CiCi-

Friday, March 16, 2012

THAT Kind of Woman...

    Can you say this is you?  Can you say that your faith is powerful enough to shake the ground above Satan's domain?  Well this is the kind of woman I'm striving for and it's going to take a lot of sacrifice on my part; letting go of the selfishness and allowing the humbleness of the Almighty to take over.  There is a short list of things that can help us women achieve this kind of Power over the devil and it's found in Psalm 15.  My version will have some slight 'tweeking' to it so you can understand the heaviness of it:

LORD, WHO may dwell in your sacred tent?  WHO may live on your holy mountain?
THE WOMAN whose walk is blameless, THE WOMAN who does what is righteous, THE WOMAN who speaks the truth from her heart; THE WOMAN whose tongue utters no slander, THE WOMAN who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others; THE WOMAN who despises a vile person but honors those who fear the LORD; THE WOMAN who keeps an oath even when it hurts, and does not change her mind; THE WOMAN who lends money to the poor without interest; THE WOMAN who does not accept a bribe against the innocent.  THE WOMAN that does these things will NEVER be shaken.
(Psalm 15:1-5 NIV)

    Maybe you need to personalize this in a way where you say "I" instead of "THE WOMAN" - do whatever it takes to soak this in and Christ will give you the instruction and wisdom to be this type of Godly woman.  The type of woman that other's respect and admire and the type of woman that makes Satan shake in hell! -CiCi-

Thursday, March 15, 2012

O Happy Day...

    Today's post is just a personal one - one of tremendous joy I'm thrilled to share with you.  This morning we will be signing paperwork to our new home!  This has been year's in the making and throughout the last few years God has blessed us and He continues to do so.  With 6 of us we need a spacious house and yard and God has provided exactly what we need.
    When we first began looking at houses a little over a month ago; this house literally brought tears to my eyes.  As I walked through it I knew this was the house God had for us.  I could feel it in my heart.  The kid's loved it and it was a great price for all the house we would be getting.  We've had some scares regarding getting to this final point; but today is THE DAY! 
    I can't wait to begin filling each room with love and prayer and may our home be a safe haven to all those that enter.  After 2 years of being in the wilderness with wondering if we'll have enough money for food and having a child battle cancer - we just continue to see the blessings God bestows on us! -Cici-

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Self Talk...

    Do you ever realize how often you talk to yourself?  It's more than 3000 times a DAY!  So what do you tell yourself?  I'm sure if you wrote it down a majority of it would be negative.  "I'm not a good mom", "I wish I were a better wife" or "That was so stupid of me".  How about our past - "I'm not good enough; look at my history."  Any of these sound familiar?
    We need to learn to replace our negative thoughts; which come directly from Satan; with positive thoughts from Christ.  He tells us we are loved just how we are and He forgave us a long time ago!  So why do we keep beating ourselves up?  Why would we WANT to believe the negative garbage?  I sure don't. 
    We constantly question ourselves around other's as well.  "Will they like me", "Will they judge me" or "What if I say the wrong thing?"  We need to be confident in the ONE who created us.  He didn't make anything less than perfect just the way we are.  He created us to be different; to have our own individual abilities and talents and for us to come together with them.
    I want you to really start paying attention to the negative talk you give yourself and try and turn it into positive self talk!  If you have to write them down; do so.  But start believing what Christ believes about you - "You are worth my blood" and "You are beautiful just as you are; inside and out; faults and all." -CiCi-

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Patience in Suffering...

    What kind of hurt do you have today?  Is it an ill relative or good friend?  Are you in a finacial drought or unemployed?  Are you in a spiritual wilderness and you feel you can't quit reach God?  Every one of us has faced some kind of trial and suffering in our time.  Some of us are in the midst of one and some of you may be soon facing one and you just don't know it yet.  Whatever your circumstance you should always be ready.  How, you say?  By staying in God's word and in communication with Him in prayer!  Then, when that trial does come, you will be able to handle it with the strength of the Almighty.
    Every 3 months my oldest daughter has to have a CT Scan and that time is due this next Monday.  We may be out of our wilderness; but at these times I am reminded of where God brought us from.   We persevered through the storm with strength that only He could give us.  However, we still must stay strong in the faith to overcome what could lie ahead for her future and for even the future of any of my children or husband.  God's love is never failing and just remember what He did for Job!  We can endure anything with Christ on our side.

"Brothers and sisters, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.  As you know, we count as blessed those who have persevered.  you have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about.  The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."
James 5:10-11 NIV

Press on towards the Fullness of God's Glory! -CiCi

Monday, March 12, 2012

White As Snow...

Today's share is a devotional from "At the foot of the Cross"; a devotional book I am a co-author of that was published in 2011:

"Come now, let's settle this", says the Lord.  "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.  Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool."
Isaiah 1:18 NLT

    When my oldest son was six years old, he wrote on the entire side of my vehicle with a Coke tab!  He didn't even tell me he did this; I just discovered it one day when the light hit it just right.  He had written his name and his older sister's name and then finished off the masterpiece with some squiggly lines.

    A few years later when he was eight, the same child started a fire in the kitchen trash because he wanted to see what would happen.  Luckily he screamed before it got too big and I was able to put it out without any damage or anyone getting hurt.

    Parents are often caught off guard like I was, by our children's "experiments," and most of the time our first reaction is to respond in anger:  Maybe we yell.  Maybe we give the silent treatment.  Maybe we throw an adult version of a temper tantrum.  We know we need to forgive, but most of the time that step comes later - almost as an afterthought.

    I love that Christ does not respond to our sin in the same way that we respond to that of our children.  His first response is love.  He forgave us for all of our sins when He died on the cross and His blood washed us white as snow.  Of course He still disciplines us when we sin and He still allows us to face the consequences of our actions.  But He never responds in anger.  He doesn't yell.  He doesn't give the silent treatment.  And He doesn't throw His own temper tantrum when we go astray.  Instead He just loves us and waits for us to turn back towards Him.

    The next time someone sins against you, stop and consider what Christ did for you on the cross.  Remember that He paid the ultimate sacrifice to cover not only our sin, but the sin of others as well.  Before you respond in anger, ask yourself, "If God can love and forgive this person, why can't I?" -CiCi-

Friday, March 9, 2012

Folly Among us...

    Do you feel you are a good person?  You take care of your children and your spouse; you are at work on time and you tithe your 10 percent each month.  Maybe you randomly give a few dollars to the homeless person on the corner or offer your seat to an elderly in a crowded waiting room.  Yep, you sound pretty good to me.  Let's go tot he next level though.  Do you hang up with a friend only to turn around and call another friend to let her know the latest gossip?  Or do you try and find a way to retaliate against that mother who cuts you off in the car line every single day?  What about making sure everyone knows about your newest, expensive purchase?  Don't see anything wrong with these - well God does! (and I am just as guilty)

    "There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him:  haughty (arrogance) eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."
Proverbs 6:16-19

      Next time you do something questionable, ask if it would be pleasing to God or just pleasing to yourself. - CiCi -

Thursday, March 8, 2012

First Love...

"You of this generation, consider the word of the LORD: "Have I been a desert to Israel or a land of great darkness? (the answer here would be 'no') Why do my people say, 'We are free to roam; we will come to you no more'? Does a young woman forget her jewelry, a bride her wedding ornaments? Yet my people have forgotten me, days without number.
Jeremiah 2:31-32

  Do you remember who your first love was?  Mine was second grade; a boy named Aaron Carpenter.  I still remember his face and the gift he gave me on my 8th birthday; a smurfette necklace.  Okay, so it wasn't really 'love'; just puppy love; but I still have not forgotten him.  My first day as the new kid and he was the one who smiled at me and made me feel welcomed.
    Why can we remember moments like this but we fail to remember Christ's faithfulness and goodness to us ALL the time?  We're really good to remember Him when things are going bad; but what about when they're going good; He's still there waiting for us to call on Him and to just thank Him for the life we are blessed with everyday.  We too often lose focus that He is the reason things are going good; just as He is the one we draw our strength from when things are going bad.  Remember ALL the times Christ is there for you; which is every second of every minute of every hour of every day! - CiCi -

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lead Me...


    We were created to be "like" Jesus; created in His image.  It didn't say we were created to be "perfect" in everything we do but that we are to strive to be Christ-like.  The best part about this is God already knew before he created us that we would mess up; more than once too.  His love takes our mistakes and turns them around into love; it might be love with discipline; but it is definitely LOVE.
    We should lean on this more instead of telling ourselves what failures we are.  I tell myself many times that I'm not good enough.  Not good enough to be a writer, not good enough to be a mother or a wife.  The best one is that I tell myself I'm not good enough to be a Christian.  Whoa!  Anyone else ever talk to yourselves like this?  Well, that's Satan trying to feed us lies so that we will turn our backs on Christ and say 'oh well, I'm never going to get better I might as well go back to the way I was', or something similar to this.  Satan is always planting small seeds of doubt where he knows our weaknesses are.  Well don't buy in!  Christ tells us that no matter how many mistakes we make He's there ready to pick us up.  He's ready to dust our pants off; wipe our tears and say 'Let's try this again; but how about you let Me lead'. 
    Below is a link to another song that I just love to listen to daily - it's about us letting Him take the lead because he can do a much better job than we can alone! -CiCi-

Beautiful Chaos....

    Life can be full of chaos.  Our children spilling their drinks in the car or throwing their food across the table.  The child starting a fire in the kitchen trash or writing on your car with a coke tab.  You spill your coffee on the way to church or realize you wore 2 different color socks; black and navy are so alike in the dark.
    Chaos is everywhere; not just in our lives but in our world.  Christ can always take something ugly though and turn it in to beauty!  We should just be willing to find that beauty in the midst of that chaos.  He will then give you understanding, discernment and wisdom through those moments of total and complete chaos. -CiCi-

'Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you.  The beginning of wisdom is this:  Get wisdom.  Though it cost all you have, get understanding'
Proverbs 4:6-7 NIV

Monday, March 5, 2012

It's Never Too Late....

    NO IT'S NOT!  It is never too late for anything!  I am 37, soon to be 38 respectively, and I've changed things I never thought I would.  Anytime is a good time to eat healthy and be fit, to cross something off your bucket list and to have a close relationship with Christ.
    Let's start with being fit.  In January 2011 I was tired of my clothes being snug.  I joined a boot camp and then joined a gym as well as changed my eating habits.  Since the start of that I have lost 20 lbs., dropped 3 pant sizes and 15% body fat.  I feel Great!  It took me actually starting it and persevering through it.  Once the results were there, it drove me even harder.
    Let's look at spiritually now.  I try to read scripture before my day gets started and when it comes to an end.  I had to start out somewhere though and what started as 15 minutes eventually turned into having to get up at 5am instead of 6am.  A hunger grows in you; the Holy Spirit takes over and it's awesome what is revealed to me.  As with physical changes when exercising, you begin to see spiritual changes.  God moves in and pushes the "gunk" out.
    Now how about that bucket list.  I would love to hear some of the things on yours!  I have learned to design cakes, cut stained glass, be a certified wedding planner and I ran a 1/2 marathon in December.
    IT IS NEVER TOO LATE - Get out there and do something instead of sitting around and saying 'I wish I had'. - CiCi

Friday, March 2, 2012

Love Them All...

"You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'  But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.  He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Matthew 5:43-45 NIV

    The first thing that comes to my mind when reading this is the most recent incident involving a school shooting.  A boy killed 3 kid's and wounded others.  The mother of one of the those killed has said that she already forgives her child's murderer.  WOW!  I'm sure many of you are thinking that is just crazy.  How could someone forgive someone else for this kind of act?  Well, if they walk with Christ they have stood by His word just as in Matthew.  We are to love them all; God is the one who will bring justice about and not always in our time.  We never know what is going on in someone else's life that brings them to horrific acts such as this.  It's not our problem to understand it; it's our job to pray for them and love them and to trust that God's Will is in motion.  Before that child was even born God already knew the day he would be called home!
    I see so much un-love on facebook it's such a shame.  The really sad part is that one day I'll see an individual post something spiritual and then the next day they're angry at the world and someone who did them wrong.  I am so glad Christ does not treat us this way.  We can stand firm on His promises because they don't change with the wind. -CiCi

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bite Thy Tongue....

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this:  Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.
James 1:19-20 NIV

    Let's get a little un-spiritual:  shut your mouth, open your ears and bite your tongue until you are calm enough to handle the situation.  Believe me - my foot ends up in my mouth way more than I'm pleased about!  Especially when it comes to my children.
    We should not be preparing the speech in our mind as they are talking; we should hear everything that needs to be said and then wait a good 60 seconds before we respond.  Your response might even need to be, "I hear what you are saying and I would like to be in a rational state of mind before talking about this any further."  Then, just step away and do what's necessary to calm down.
    When we do things out of anger and immediate response, our actions and words can be extremely hurtful and they can't be taken back.  If you feel your blood pressure rising, so to speak, take 10 deep breaths - it does wonders for the both of you.
    Be attentive to the converstion at hand and remember; let them finish everything they need to say first, before you pounce in; I am totally guilty of this myself. - CiCi

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Counting Your Blessings....

    Count your blessings, one by one.  I would like for you to get out a pen and paper and start writing down as many blessings as you can think of that Christ has given you.  Here are a few of mine:  good health, a running vehicle, a dry roof to sleep under, 3 meals a day, unlimited supply of clean water, 4 healthy children, a wonderful husband, money for clothing and medical care easily accessible.  Some of these were probably pretty similar to yours.
    Have you ever really stopped and thanked God for all of this though?  In James 1:17 it says:

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

    Every gift and blessing is from God!  In the past couple of years we have been stricken with unemployment and a cancer diagnosis in one of our children.  I can honestly say though, the needs met during those trials were blessings handed down from our heavenly father.
    He then provided a job for my husband, a cancer free child and a new home of our own is in the immediate works.  He continues to bless us and shower us with gifts and I will continue to praise Him for them and not praise My works. - CiCi

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

His Grace....

    Do you ever find yourself giving apologies for who you are or how about who you were?  I spend a lot of time doing this regarding my past.  Why?  As Christians we shouldn't judge yet I fear judgement.  I have been divorced twice, on my third marriage and have children by all 3.  I've made many poor choices that didn't involve Christ as the Head & Center; BUT, listen to this:

But by the grace of God I am what I am, and by his grace to me was not without affect.
I Cor. 15:10a

    Do you see the most beautiful thing that came out of my mess?  His Grace.  It's only His judgement that should concern us and although there are consequences for not following His straight path; he still loves us and has thrown our mistakes as far as the east is from the west! - CiCi-

Monday, February 27, 2012

The heart doesn't lie...

    As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.
Proverbs 27:19

    You always hear that you can't hide your true colors for too long.  What you portray is what is within you; truly deep within you.  It's easy to pretend to be something; but it's only going to be a matter of time before the "real" you comes out.
    When you have Christ in your heart; you shine!  You show love and compassion.  You have a servants heart and would do anything to help someone else.  If you live in the world then you are controlled by emotions; and ever changing one's at that.  You're just looking for the next party or the next "something" to fill that empty spot.  The friends you hang out with on a regular basis are a good indication of how you might live as well.  How does your life reflect you?  With Christ I strive to listen to a certain kind of music and watch certain kinds of movies.  I try to not dress too revealing and I am more aware of the language that comes from my lips.  I also try to have good judgment on things I read and not buy into the magazines and the Hollywood drama.  I try to instill in my children the same things.  I don't let them watch "R" rated movies and pg-13 is sometimes iffy.  We recently cancelled our cable because commercials are very influential and just not appropriate these days.  Children can easily become a reflection of what they watch and hear and I want Christ to reflect our home.
    There are many people that walk around claiming to be Christians; but when you see their home life you question where God is.  I do not want to be this person; I want my life to truly reflect Jesus and although I'm not perfect I don't have to walk around with 2 different personalities and having to figure out which one to use when.  What does your heart say about you? -CiCi

Friday, February 24, 2012

The good, the bad and the downright ugly....

    You wake up early, get a good quiet time in, get lunches made and a healthy breakfast and everyone is out the door on time.  You don't hit any red lights getting them to school, your coffee is the perfect temperature, you get most of your checklist done, you pick the kid's up from school and have a rather quiet's been a rather good day.
    You wake up late, no time to make even a bowl of cereal for the kid's, they're in a bad mood and not willing to get dressed; they're complaining about the uniform they've had to wear all year; but this morning it's just not what they're wanting to wear.  You trip over the cat and stump your toe - you've had no time to spend with God, let alone do your hair; so the ball cap goes on.  Your coffee is mocha instead of white mocha; therefore you've wasted $3; you hit every red light there is, the kid's are still fussing in the back seat that they hate school and it's stupid and the line to get into the school is the longest it's been all year.  You get back home only to realize you were supposed to make 2 stops to drop off mail and dry cleaning and once you get back home you just wish the day could start over.
    Does any of this sound familiar to you?  Welcome to my crazy world of 4 kid's, a cat and a very new family member; the dog.  All this craziness, believe it or not, comes from the Lord.

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider this:  God has made the one as well as the other." Ecclesiastes 7:14 - NIV

You see, when we choose to follow Christ, he gives us what we need to handle the good with the bad; he clothes us with righteousness and patience and strength.  His word teaches us how to be humble in the midst of whatever circumstance we face; whether it's the car not starting or a diagnosis of cancer.  We were faced with the downright ugly about 9 months ago when our oldest daughter was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  My close relationship with Christ made us able to get through it with complete faith that His will was already at work and that we just had to lean on Him to get through each day, one at a time.
    God was in the midst of that just like he was in the midst of my coffee spilling on me last Sunday at church.  It's how we handle our situations that reflect our relationship with Him.  So as you start your day today and things go good or crazy; remember that Christ allowed all of it and just give Him thanks that you are alive another day to experience what He has in store for you!  You were made for a higher purpose and He is using you in all He brings you to. -CiCi