Monday, February 27, 2012

The heart doesn't lie...

    As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart.
Proverbs 27:19

    You always hear that you can't hide your true colors for too long.  What you portray is what is within you; truly deep within you.  It's easy to pretend to be something; but it's only going to be a matter of time before the "real" you comes out.
    When you have Christ in your heart; you shine!  You show love and compassion.  You have a servants heart and would do anything to help someone else.  If you live in the world then you are controlled by emotions; and ever changing one's at that.  You're just looking for the next party or the next "something" to fill that empty spot.  The friends you hang out with on a regular basis are a good indication of how you might live as well.  How does your life reflect you?  With Christ I strive to listen to a certain kind of music and watch certain kinds of movies.  I try to not dress too revealing and I am more aware of the language that comes from my lips.  I also try to have good judgment on things I read and not buy into the magazines and the Hollywood drama.  I try to instill in my children the same things.  I don't let them watch "R" rated movies and pg-13 is sometimes iffy.  We recently cancelled our cable because commercials are very influential and just not appropriate these days.  Children can easily become a reflection of what they watch and hear and I want Christ to reflect our home.
    There are many people that walk around claiming to be Christians; but when you see their home life you question where God is.  I do not want to be this person; I want my life to truly reflect Jesus and although I'm not perfect I don't have to walk around with 2 different personalities and having to figure out which one to use when.  What does your heart say about you? -CiCi

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