Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away
Proverbs 22:15
Do you discipline your children? You should; it's a command from Christ! We must start as soon as they understand right from wrong. A majority of our nations kid's that are prisoned and in gangs were a result from not being given consequences in the home. My children fear the "spoon". It hangs on a nail in the kitchen with the verse Proverbs 29:17 under it - "Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire." (NIV)
Now that doesn't give you permission to leave marks on them. It simply means they need to understand that when they do something wrong or disobey you; there are consequences; just like Christ disciplines us in our sin. Some children might do well with a time out; other's need a paddle on the behind.
We often say when we have children that they didn't come with an instruction manual; but oh yes they did! It's called the BIBLE. It teaches us how we should live and treat other's and how we should raise our children.
Disciplining them teaches them respect. They need to learn to respect ALL forms of authority whether it be their teachers or the law. My children are also taught to say 'yes mam, no mam, yes sir and no sir'. That was instilled in me at an early age and my children must know that's how we respond to anyone!
The best form of discipline is when it is not out of anger; but out of love. Ask your children if they understand why they are getting the spanking and hug them afterwards and tell them you love them. As I have grown older I can respect the instruction my own parent's gave me. -CiCi-
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