Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Stand...

    This morning as I was putting on my 'stand up to cancer' shirt I thought about what many of us do to support different things.  We have decals on our cars of our favorite teams or different shirts we wear that portray different things we support.  As I thought more about this I realized I don't have ANY shirts that shout out my love for Christ.  Do you? 
    How is it we are loud and proud to show the world what university or professional team we love; but we don't represent Christ?  Are we ashamed?  Do we not want someone to know we're a Christian in case we're bad drivers and like to cut people off?  Or are we just the silent Christian - we worship on Sunday and proudly display our finest suit or dress and carry our bible; but then it's put away on a book shelf until the next week.
    I Love my Lord and am even disappointed in myself for realizing I have many things that show my support or awareness of cancer; but very little for my King!
     What do you stand for and does it show? -CiCi-

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